While there is no word from Apple on the price drop, Mumbai-based Mahesh Telecom announced via a tweet that the iPhone XR can now be picked up at a starting price of Rs 70,500. The other two variants with higher storage – 128GB storage 256GB storage models – are now priced at Rs 75,500 and Rs 85,900 respectively. Since there is no word from Apple on the price drop, it’s not clear whether the discount is exclusive to Mahesh Telecom or it is available at other channels too. Some reports have speculated that the discount is offline-only, implying that can be availed at retailers other than Mahesh Telecom too. We should mention that the price on Flipkart remains unchanged for all the iPhone models.

In spite of the price drop, the iPhone XR (review) has a premium price tag. But then, if you are an Apple loyalist, this is surely a good time to upgrade to the latest device by Apple. Although iPhone XR is the more ‘affordable’ version in this year’s iPhone lineup, it has a number of features that are the same as the other two high-end models. To recall, iPhone XR was launched in India at a starting price of Rs 76,900 and the cost of the most high-end variant is Rs 91,900. The smartphone was touted by Apple as the ‘affordable’ iPhone of the year, however, we should add here that the iPhone XR is only relatively more affordable than iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max. If you compare the smartphone’s pricing to its competition, it will still be considered expensive by some. But then, we should also point out that the iPhone XR was the best-selling smartphone by Apple in November 2018, which means that Apple loyalists prefer upgrading to the latest lineup with the affordable model. It is worth noticing that in India, the price of the latest iPhones is more expensive than most other countries across the globe, mainly because of the import duty that is levied on gadgets that are not manufactured locally. Apple CEO Tim Cook was quoted saying earlier that the company will adjust the pricing of iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR in countries where the devices are exorbitantly priced. So, the discount at Mahesh Telecom may just be a beginning for all we know. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

The  affordable  iPhone XR just became more affordable with an unofficial price cut - 15The  affordable  iPhone XR just became more affordable with an unofficial price cut - 88