Rajkot of Gujarat became the first city to put a total ban on the India’s favourite battle royale game, which according to many was a bit too extreme. Even some youngsters were arrested playing the game in public and they were treated as if violating any of the Indian laws. Various child welfare association and parents along with school teachers also demanded a ban on the game because their children were too focused on the game and weren’t giving enough time to their studies. The developers and the company behind PUBG Mobile (Tencent) had responded about the addiction of children, saying that they will be taking responsible action towards it. Recently, news has surfaced online on Discord and Twitter that the players of PUBG Mobile aren’t able to play the game for more than 6 hours in a day.

Meaning, the game itself stops the players from playing more than 6 hours as it reminded them that “you have played the game for 6hr today”. The message also mentions the time when they will be able to play the game again. The Indian players of PUBG Mobile criticised this move by the company as they took their problem to the social media. Many users have reported receiving such message when they played past the time limit. Players who are under 18 years also received a reminder after 2 hours and 4 hours of playtime before they reached the six hours restriction set by the game. Although, no official comment has been made by the company in this regard, it is still not known if this move by Tencent Games and PUBG Mobile applies only to the Indian players or all players of the game worldwide. Many users are reporting this step to be a pain, but it could be the company’s step towards curing and controlling the PUBG Mobile addiction, which has been severely criticised by many in the Indian community.

— PUBG MOBILE INDIA (@PUBGMOBILE_IN) March 22, 2019 But will this solve anything? Well, to a certain extent it should be able to control the severe itch to play the game and younger generation could concentrate on studies too with playtime. The other side of the coin is that the Indian youth is very smart and sooner or later they will find out how to break this limit. At the moment the move seems to be a welcomed one by parents, but no so much by the players, especially the professional ones. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebookand Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App.

PUBG Mobile gets a play time restriction of 6 hours per day  Will this solve anything  - 55PUBG Mobile gets a play time restriction of 6 hours per day  Will this solve anything  - 10