Yes, the research agency describes the premium segment of smartphones in India, which has a selling price of Rs 30,000 or more. This is the first time that OnePlus is leading the high-end segment in the country and has captured over 40% of the market thanks to the extremely good sales of its latest flagship device, the OnePlus 6. While OnePlus’s shipments increased year on year in Q2, during the same period shipments of Samsung and Apple went down in the premium sector of mobiles. Overall, the top three brands Samsung, Apple and OnePlus constitute for 88% of the premium market in India as compared to 95% a quarter ago. Samsung S9 is still a strong contender in the premium segment and is said to capture 33% of the premium market share in Q2. Which makes us wonder where Xiaomi is, who is still claiming that they are the India number 1 brand even after several reports have stated that Samsung has retaken the lead. Well, Xiaomi is not there on this chart, as they are only at the fag-end of the India smartphone market. But, the budget-end of smartphone market works for them, as they are selling strongly there at the number 2 spot. It is a good strategy by the company keep selling hard where people are buying, let the big boys battle it out in the premium segment. Where we do reckon, when the new version of Apple iPhones and Samsung’s Note 9 come out in the next few months, these two will again retake the top spot from OnePlus.

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OnePlus accounts for 40  of premium smartphones sold in Quarter 2 in India - 38OnePlus accounts for 40  of premium smartphones sold in Quarter 2 in India - 91