The telecom major has today announced that when its users will be able to get their queries answered via Google Assistant going forward. However, as of now, the feature is only available in English. But soon, it will be rolled out in other regional languages as well. The company has also said that it will be tracking the questions that customers ask and enable responses to them via Google Assistant. The initiative is a part of the telecom giant’s Project Next, which is Airtel’s digital innovation program aimed at improving customer experience across all its services. The company has also said that it has plans to launch “several exciting digital innovations to step change the simplicity and interactivity of its customer experience.” While Airtel Prepaid customers can ask the Google Assistant about best offers, their data and account balance and recharge options, Postpaid customers can ask queries like their current outstanding, bill summary, pay bill, their current plan and data usage, why their bill is so high and other available Airtel Postpaid plans. However, in order to interact with Google Assistant for their queries, Airtel users must link their Airtel account with Google. Here’s how Airtel customers can use the Google Assistant: Speaking about the collaboration, Sarang Kanade, Director – Customer Experience & Retail, Bharti Airtel said: “As part of our digital transformation journey, this is another yet innovation to empower our customers. With smartphones fast becoming the norm for every Indian, this will make digital self-care much more interactive and step up the customer experience. We will continue to bring more of such exciting solutions for ‘Digital India’.”

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Airtel customers can now get their queries answered via Google Assistant - 33Airtel customers can now get their queries answered via Google Assistant - 65